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La Jolla Dental Team Describes What to Expect From Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry

San Diego Dental Team Describes Oral Conscious Sedation

Scripps Center for Dental Care, a family dental practice in San Diego, outlines how to prepare for oral conscious sedation before treatment.

La Jolla, CA — Many men and women struggle with anxiety prior to their dental appointments. While it’s relatively normal to dread going to the dentist, feelings of anxiety can be particularly severe for patients with a phobia of dental work. In fact, dental anxiety can even prevent some patients from getting the care they need to maintain a fully functioning smile and a healthy mouth. Consequently, individuals may go years without visiting a dentist, giving small dental issues the opportunity to exacerbate. La Jolla-based practice Scripps Center for Dental Care provides custom solutions for dental anxiety, offering a variety of sedation dentistry solutions for patients seeking a more relaxing, stress-free visit.

The most common sedation dentistry option involves oral conscious sedation — a method of sleep dentistry that uses mild sedatives, taken orally, to help patients achieve a more calm and comfortable state during their treatment. Oral conscious sedation involves taking medication the night before a patient’s visit, as well as right before their appointment. The medication is customized for each person based on their needs and treatment plan, and allows individuals to remain conscious, yet relaxed, throughout the procedure time.

For patients who are planning to utilize oral conscious sedation, it’s important to learn what to expect from the medication. Prior to one’s visit, it’s often necessary to arrange a ride home from the dental office. Although individuals remain cognizant while under sedation, the medication can linger after treatment and inhibit the ability to drive safely. That said, patients are able to remain aware of their surroundings during the entirety of their appointment. The effects of oral conscious sedation generally take two to eight hours to wear off.

Researching what to expect prior to a sedation-assisted treatment can help patients more diligently prepare for their appointment, often further reducing the anxiety surrounding a dental visit. Scripps Center for Dental Care takes pride in providing the San Diego community with a wide range of effective options to address their unique needs and achieve their smile goals.

About Scripps Center for Dental Care
Scripps Center for Dental Care is a fully equipped practice in San Diego providing comprehensive cosmetic, restorative, and family dental treatments. Based in the La Jolla area, the team at Scripps Center for Dental Care includes a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) and two AACD-accredited cosmetic dentists, distinguishing the practice from other dental offices in Southern California. Scripps Center for Dental Care provides routine services like oral exams and cleanings, as well as popular treatments including Invisalign®, porcelain veneers, and dental crowns. As a multidisciplinary practice, Scripps is composed of in-house specialists from every field of dentistry. Dr. John Weston and Dr. Nicholas Marongiu are available for interview upon request.


Scripps Center for Dental Care
XIMED Building
9850 Genesee Avenue, Suite #620
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 535-8300

Rosemont Media
(858) 200-0044

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