Dr. John Weston Featured in Dental Products Report

As a thought leader in the dental industry, Dr. John Weston is often asked to review new techniques and technologies and provide his input as a service to other dental professionals. In a recent article published in Dental Products Report, Dr. Weston discusses the benefits, drawbacks, and best practices for RelyX™ Unicem 2 self-adhesive resin cement. Dr. Weston explains that the product is best used for securing dental crowns and […]
The Lava Chairside Oral Scanner: How Digital Dental Impressions Work

In order to ensure our patients receive the best possible dental care, we use the latest advances in dental heath technology. This means the elimination of traditional tools and the use of the latest in laser and digital technology. In the case of x-rays and impressions, we’re particularly happy to use advanced technology that greatly reduces radiation exposure and also enhances patient comfort. That’s why the Lava Chairside Oral Scanner […]
Specialized Equipment

Dr. Weston and his team are regularly using very sophisticated equipment and materials to deliver the best care possible for patients at Scripps Center For Dental Care. In this photo we are utilizing a powerful Zeiss medical microscope to complete a minimal prep veneer case. This unique piece of equipment allows us to visualize the teeth at a very high magnification for precision, microscopic shaping and contouring that is not […]