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What Causes Teeth to Look Aged?

When your full, healthy, and youthful teeth begin to dull and lose their shine, it can be easy to feel less confident in your smile. There are many factors that can affect the appearance of your teeth over time, including discoloration, wear and tear, and the loss of a full tooth structure. Aside from the natural effects of aging, these concerns can be caused by:

  • Bruxism (grinding) and teeth clenching: Years of chewing, grinding, and clenching can wear down your enamel (the hard protective outer layer of the teeth). This wear and tear can make your teeth look flattened and short; however, composite or porcelain veneers can often be a good solution to restore more youthful tooth proportions.
  • Diet: Regular consumption of food and drinks that are staining agents (or high in acids and sugars) can erode your enamel over time. Not only can this lead to cavities and other dental issues, but dental erosion also tends to exacerbate the yellowing and discoloration of your teeth.
  • Lifestyle factors: Smoking, alcohol consumption, and other forms of tobacco use can also stain your teeth and contribute to gum disease — both of which accelerate an aged look in your smile.
  • Poor dental hygiene: A lack of oral hygiene can lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis). These conditions can exacerbate and cause tooth loss, discoloration, receding gums, and damage to the bone structure supporting your teeth.

Addressing these issues with good dental hygiene, regular check-ups, and lifestyle adjustments can help slow down aging in your teeth and maintain your oral health. Our cosmetic dentist also provides a myriad of non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments to treat concerns causing an aged look, such as teeth whitening, laser gum reshaping, porcelain veneers, and even a full Smile Makeover for patients with multiple dental goals. The team at Scripps would be happy to help you create a personalized treatment plan to restore your dream smile (and your confidence)!

As you get older, our multispecialty dental team understands how frustrating it can be to see the effects of aging on your teeth. We are committed to helping you find the most conservative yet effective techniques to address your concerns and help you reclaim a brighter, more radiant smile. Contact Scripps Center for Dental Care for more information on your options, or to speak with a friendly member of our team. 

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