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What if I Didn’t Finish My DIY Orthodontic Treatment?

The allure of DIY (do-it-yourself) braces is easy to understand — these systems advertise a more convenient treatment process when compared to getting braces at a dental office, often for a cheaper cost. Unfortunately, these mail-order products are often riddled with unforeseen issues and complications that can be frustrating to deal with at best, and damaging to your jaw alignment at worst. Recently, SmileDirectClub declared bankruptcy and immediately ceased all services and operations, leaving some patients to contend with unfulfilled promises and an unfinished orthodontic treatment.

If you’ve been abandoned by SmileDirectClub and you’re unsure how to resume the process of straightening your teeth, you’re not alone. Our compassionate dental team is ready to take the lead on your orthodontic treatment. At Scripps Center for Dental Care, our dentists can: 

  • Present you with more effective clear-aligner options like Invisalign®
  • Develop an optimal plan to help you finish your orthodontic treatment
  • Examine your smile to repair any instances of damage or malocclusion caused by DIY systems
  • Address the orthodontic concerns you originally sought to treat in the first place

While the sudden closure of SmileDirectClub was unpredictable to patients, the inability to finish treatment is just one of the many risks presented by mail-order braces. Our multispecialty team in La Jolla is committed to assessing your needs to help simplify the teeth-straightening process as much as possible and restore the full integrity of your smile. 

Scripps Dental Care understands how stressful and worrisome it can be for San Diego patients who were unable to finish their treatment with SmileDirectClub or other DIY systems. If you were affected by SmileDirectClub’s bankruptcy, contact our La Jolla office to learn how our team’s comprehensive care can help you finish the treatment process. 

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